Reflecting our founding year, The 1963 Society honors all who have included the University of Missouri–St. Louis in their legacy plans, planning for the University’s long-term success and sustainability.

Charitable gifts made through your estate ensure UMSL continues serving the Greater St. Louis region and beyond by delivering exceptional educational, research and engagement experiences that inform, prepare, challenge, and inspire our community.
Consider joining us by including a legacy provision in your estate plans. You may do so through: 

  • Beneficiary Designation on retirement assets, life insurance policies, or Donor Advised Funds
  • Bequests in a will or trust
  • Charitable Gift Annuity
  • Charitable Remainder Trust
  • And more.

In appreciation of your thoughtful and generous commitment, you’ll receive invitations to special UMSL events, and our team will work to foster your lifelong relationship with the University.

We invite you to read some of our members’ stories. Ready to commit? Please use this Letter of Intention to share with us the impact you’d like to see your future gift make on campus. Not sure where you’d like your gift to make an impact? Contact our team.